
ESG practices can favor credits for your company


It is a mechanism that requires the implementation or maintenance of conservation units.

Zero Waste

A city where 90% of solid waste is reused, eliminating landfills and generating jobs and income.

Water Reuse

This water can be used for different purposes: urban, industrial and agricultural.

Clean Energy

Renewable energies that do not cause pollution through the emission of substances are called clean energies.

Carbon Credit

Operationalize your emissions offset with carbon credits from projects that reduce atmospheric pollution.

ESG projects

Standards that aim to define whether a company is socially conscious, sustainable and correctly managed.

Seedling Nursery

There are several forms of reforestation, one of which is reforestation with native species, for example Jussara.


Greentechs are green initiative companies that use technological solutions to reduce environmental impact.


Projects focusing on the benefits and integration with nature, in addition to the child's development and personality.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Term used to describe the process of acquisition, merger or alliance of two or more companies.


Accelerates the development of projects, so that they positively impact and have the potential to scale.

Integrative Medicine

Standards that aim to define whether a company is socially conscious, sustainable and correctly managed.